Ffmpeg build makefile errors
Ffmpeg build makefile errors

ffmpeg build makefile errors

Because it's only Kodi I've been using as my barometer I've been hesitant to add more details to this thread since the subject was contained to ffmpeg. I should have been clear that the guidance above both simplified and helped me complete the compile process with executables that run (both popcornmix's gbm branch and Rascas' leia-pi4 builds), but I can't yet play video with the kms driver loaded. I don't have a RPI 4b yet, but i am thinking of getting one for my job. I need to run 2 ffmpeg instances at same time for a long running task(video transcoding/re-streaming), do you think RPI 4b with 4gb memory could handle this scenario, could you share the cpu/gpu/temperature status while running ffmpeg? Thank you both! This was the guidance I needed. I did include one of my current attempts at the kodi version of make options ( is an amalgamation of all the hard work and folks have made available, but again, have tried to install/compile ffmpeg by itself without kodi even being on the system (using the ffmpeg compile-time flags stolen from the scripts in the kodi directory. Apologies ahead of time if this should be posted elsewhere. the relationship between the new kernel, how or where it provides the graphics drivers, and what the patched ffmpeg code is looking for. I'm guessing I'm missing something w.r.t. I feel like I'm monkeying around too much with the make opts and I'm finding myself out of rabbit holes to go down. directories to contain a hyphen per one of the suggestions in another thread. Code: Select all ffmpeg version git-86822cf Copyright (c) 2000-2020 the FFmpeg developersĬonfiguration: -extra-cflags=-I/usr/local/include -extra-ldflags=-L/usr/local/lib -extra-libs='-lpthread -lm' -arch=armel -enable-gmp -enable-gpl -enable-libaom -enable-libass -enable-libdav1d -enable-libdrm -enable-libfdk-aac -enable-libfreetype -enable-libkvazaar -enable-libmp3lame -enable-libopencore-amrnb -enable-libopencore-amrwb -enable-libopus -enable-librtmp -enable-libsnappy -enable-libsoxr -enable-libssh -enable-libvorbis -enable-libvpx -enable-libzimg -enable-libwebp -enable-libx264 -enable-libx265 -enable-libxml2 -enable-mmal -enable-nonfree -enable-omx -enable-omx-rpi -enable-version3 -target-os=linux -enable-pthreads -enable-openssl -enable-hardcoded-tables

Ffmpeg build makefile errors